Saturday, July 18, 2009

Goin' To Dallas

We did it! My USTA tennis team won the local tournament and we are headed to sectionals in Dallas the end of the month! It feels good to finally be on the winning side! Lynn and I had two marathon matches on Thursday and Friday. Sleeping with ice on my arm and shoulder was a small price to pay!
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Camp San Marcos

Pictures from Wimberley and Natural Bridge Caverns.
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Finally! A little relief from the heatwave that has been smothering us for a month! Just went to the store and the thermometer read a cool 87 degrees! Much nicer than the 105 it has been reading! We are also expected to get some rain today at some point. Thank goodness! Played in a tennis tournament last night (we won!), and everyone was talking about the melted balls. Apparently a can of balls was left on the court all day, and when they went to open them, they literally poured out. All three balls had melted. Now that's hot! We play again tonight. If we win all three lines we will be headed to Dallas the end of the month to play there! It's nice being on the winning side for a change!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Does Bear do on a Rainy Morning?

It rained this morning!!!! Lots of thunder, lighting and RAIN!!! Our first in well over a month! It made it really difficult to get of bed this morning though. Some spoiled dog took complete advantage of the situation and helped himself to the blankets and pillows. He looks pretty comfy! Do you think he had it this good at his previous home?... I bet not!
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Fireworks at the Beach

We spent the fourth of July at Port Aransas with the whole crew. All 16 (I think) of us and 2 dogs. Fortunately it was actually much cooler along the coast than in Houston, and very breezy. Theres something a little strange though about walking into the ocean when the water temperature is 90 degrees. We just better hope that nothing comes into the gulf this hurricane season. The kids spent the days going between the beach and the pool, catching fish and sea creatures during the day and sand crabs at night. Since it was so breezy the surf was great and everyone fought over the boogie boards and had contests to see who could ride a wave the furthest. If we could ever get down there for more than a few days it might be fun to look into the surf lessons they offer in town. We went into town on the fourth and watched the fireworks go off over the intercoastal. We found a tucked away pier and had a clear view of the show!
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