Friday, February 25, 2011

Great End to Short Course Season

23 hours at the pool for about 15 minutes of swim time. But worth it based on the amount of hardware around their necks. They amazingly continued to drop time in all of their events. Short course (25yard pools) is now over and the girls will be training in the long course (50meter) pools after spring break and are looking forward to attending the Texas A&M swim camp right after school is out. Summer league is right around the corner. It'll be hard for Regan to go back to swimming 25 meter events. They've both really excelled at the longer events this year.
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Perfect Texas Friday

Not to rub it in or anything, but today is one of those perfect weather days. Not a cloud in the sky and a fabulous 70 ish degrees. And a Friday to boot! Makes it a perfect evening for margaritas on the patio of our fave Mexican restaurant. These are a few pics from our recent trip to Kemah. Obviously still reveling in the Packers superbowl win.
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