Sunday, September 11, 2011

And So It Begins...

A conversation I had with Regan walking to the bus stop on Thursday:

Me: Regan, did Maddy outgrow that shirt? I swear I just bought it for her.
Regan: No.
Me: Did she give it to you because she doesn't want it anymore?
Regan: No, it was in her closet.
Me: ???
Regan: Don't worry, I'll put it back in her closet before she gets home. I just wanted something "new" to wear.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Still Burning

Yes, Texas is still burning. And there's no rain in sight. Is it horrible to wish that Maria would head our way? They brought in the Big Guns today to help. Bastrop is about 30% contained, Magnolia is off and on 60%. Heard earlier that the fire crossed into Harris county, but don't see anything in the news about it. Still a large smoke plume from the north directly over us. Very hazy and smoky...

Pretty cool video to watch of the DC9 dropping fire retardant. Hope it helps., click on the videos of the day.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Texas Burning...

Had a little trouble getting home this weekend. Bastrop is on fire and Hwy 21 runs right through the middle of it. due to the 30mph winds yesterday and today over 25,000 acres have burned and over 300 houses destroyed. We took the LONG way home and skirted the western and northern edge of the fires. The pics don't do the size of this thing justice. It's huge. Left the haze of that one and ran into the haze of a fire in Waller, which is to our NW. Not sure of the status of that one, but there were also fires in the Woodlands and one just to our east. May sleep with one eye open for awhile. We need some RAIN!!!!

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Heidleberg 2011

Just returned from what has ended up being our annual trip to Heidleberg Lodges on the Comal River. Lots of jumping off of rocks, and out of trees and an all around good time doing a whole lot of "nothing." The highlight of the trip was when Maddy and Colby went down the river with Carter and Michael crawfish hunting and came back with a 12" bass that they accidentally woke up and it literally jumped into their boat. No crawfish though...
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First Day of School 2011

The bus stop pickup keeps getting smaller and smaller....
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