You know how there is the website where pictures of people that shop at Walmart are posted? Well, I recently went on a cruise with some friends and thought I would share a few of the "people" we ran across. Some need no explanation...
Here we have our resident "stripper." The guy facing the camera did NOT like to dance with his clothes on. Fortunately for us, security got to him after he repeatedly removed his shirt.
And here is our token "bachelor" enjoying his bachelor party with his mates. You always knew who they were thanks to their stylin' sailor caps. He was easy to spot due to the Hello Kitty backpack he was forced to wear. Pretty rowdy crew. Oh, btw.... the girl he has his hands on is NOT, i repeat NOT his fiance. And let's just say that his hands weren't the only thing all over her. Love the look his probably best man is throwing our way. Our intent in taking this picture was to find out his name and post it on facebook. Yeah, that marriage is gonna last...
Don't know what to say about these two...other than "oh, my eyes!!!!" Really love the headband dude.
Gumby???? Apparently the costume traveled with a party of 5 couples. Each guy took a turn in wearing it. Hmmm..... Some gumby's were a little rowdier than others.
Not pictured is the 75 year old woman who liked to pole dance. She was pretty good too. And our ever friendly transgenders. We tried to get fashion and makeup hints from them one evening. I'm sure I'm leaving someone out. I'll end it with our new favorite drink. The tiramisu martini. Truly a work of art. If you ever travel on the Carnival Triumph, be sure and stop by the wine and martini bar and have Zoran make you one. All in all a fun weekend.
Thought I rotated it. Oh well. It's late. You get the picure.