Tuesday, November 1, 2011

That House at the Back of the Neighborhood

We have so many Halloween decorations now since we've been doing the Haunted Train that we decided to decorate our yard for a change. Parents of the smaller kids were probably not too happy with us. We did have a few run back down the sidewalk without ringing the bell.

That's Tom in the white mask in the window. That really scared a few little kids . Even some of the older ones weren't sure if he was real or not.
Sadly, being in the back of the neighborhood on a pretty lame street where the majority don't participate in Halloween or Christmas, our handiwork went unnoticed and unappreciated. We had fun listening to the screams of the few that did come by though. I took a short video, I'll post it when I can. Now it's time to put the ghosts and gobblins up for another year.
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