Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow? In Houston?

Ok, so it may not look like much to some folks, but this was cause for lots of giddiness after school today. It was sleeting when the kids got off the bus, and by the time we got got to the house, we actually saw a few flakes. A few minutes later, a few more flakes. We eventually had a pretty nice little snow shower! You could hear the shouts of excitement from all the neighborhood kids outside. Phones were ringing off the wall, "have you looked outside? Its SNOWING!!!!!" It's still coming down, 40 minutes later, but it's more of a heavy flurry now. The kids are already asking, "do we have school tomorrow? Will there be enough to build a snowman? They tried scraping the snow off the chair to gather enough for one little snowball. Maybe one about the size of a large marble. Enjoy it now kids, cause it's gonna be near 60 tomorrow!
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