So for years, (I guess I didn't realize how many years), I had a few disposable cameras and a roll of black and white film that I moved from drawer to drawer. Periodically I would take it out and leave it on the counter for a few weeks, vowing that I would have it developed. For one reason or another, it would all make its way back into the drawer. This happened multiple times I'm sure. A few weeks ago, I did it again. Took cameras and film out of drawer, placed on counter. Even wrote on my list of things to do "take cameras to Walgreens" because now even Walmart doesn't develop film in house. Took cameras to Walgreens, told goth girl at counter, "just develop these and put them on CD. I have no idea if there is anything worth keeping on them. Got a call last week, "your pictures are ready to be picked up." Finally got around to picking them up today. Glanced at the negatives and was able to make out Maddy with pigtails. "Wow" I thought. "These must be a few years old because I couldn't pay Maddy to wear her hair like that now." I was more than a little surprised to see pictures from when Maddy was about 4 years old. Aren't they cute? Were they ever really that little?