It's almost noon, and the wind has begun to pick up. Just little gust here and there. The clouds are starting to build as well. So far it's a big party for the kids. They all got together and set up a lemonade stand earlier, now they are at a neighbors decorating hurricane t shirts.
Here is a picture out our back window to the south. You can see the clouds starting to build. Nothing much yet.
Tom decided to board up our bathroom window so we have a little bigger room to hide in. Several people in the neighborhood have boarded up all their windows. Too late now! If you have internet access, check out the live feed from They are on the Galveston seawall, which is 17' high. the water is to the top of the wall and when the waves hit it they shoot up like a geyser. Very impressive. Just want to know who the idiots are that are walking their dogs out there and taking pictures in front of the waves!