Looks like we made it! Unlike many in our neighborhood, we escaped the wrath of Ike unscathed. Our trees are pretty bare, many leaves stripped from the trees, but no trees through our roof. Sunday was spent cleaning up (after the additional 5 inches of rain Sunday morning moved out). With the exception of downed trees, our neighborhood is pretty much cleaned up. Yards are lined with huge piles of debris and bags. I think we have about 10 bags of nothing but leaves and pine needles, along with a few piles of branches. I thought our neighborhood was hit pretty hard until we ventured out yesterday. Older areas with more trees are a real mess. One street had 3 houses in a row with trees through the houses. The majority of our neighborhood is still without power. Talk about darkess! As you walk down the streets at night or in the morning you hear the hum of the generators about every 8th house. We hear it may be a week before the rest of us get power. We all got water back on Sunday evening. Without water the girls and I would have left real quick! Rumors were flying yesterday that a smattering of businesses were open on the main road near us. We ventured out and believe it or not, Sonic, a Chinese restaurant, a Mexican restaurant, subway, a donut shop and Quiznos were open. And they were hopping! The lines for gas are unbelievable, so we are staying put. Gas lines are getting a little heated, so several neighbors are beginning to carry their guns if they go out. We are eating better than we normally do; everyone is trying to use up the meat from their freezers! Aside from the little inconveniences, things are like they were when we grew up. Kids OUTSIDE riding bikes and playing games. Neighbors outside talking to other neighbors, sharing food, stories,etc. I've met neighbors I've never even SEEN before, and we've been here 6 1/2 years. I feel for the people closer to the coast and east of us. They got hit really hard and it is going to be a long, long time before things are back to normal. Supposedly school will start on Thursday, although I kindof doubt it. I have video to post,but right now I'm headed outside to enjoy the unseasonable cool weather!