Friday, September 12, 2008

The Waiting Game

And so we sit and wait, and wait, and wait. A little breeze now and again, but that's about it. Regan and some of her friends are modeling their Take a Hike Ike t-shirts. Just got back from the neighbors where we played a rousing game of scrabble while the guys tossed the football around. Tom just cracked open a beer. Galveston is getting hammered with the storm surge, but we're just playing the waiting game. Winds are now forcast for 80+ mph up here. These pines are looking a little more precarious... About 5-10 houses in the neighborhood are boarded up now. Some people just left, (who knows to where, but they left their dog), without putting much of anything away, so we walked the streets and put things away for them. Just may have saved some of our windows.
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